Soup & Chat - is cancelled for this Tuesday. Here are the dates for the rest of the session: 11th February, 11th March, 8th April, 13th May & 10th June. 12-1.30pm in the Small Hall, £4 for adults and children eat free
AM Chorus - starts back at 10am on Wednesday 15th January in the Large Hall. Everyone is welcome, there is always space for new members and there is no audition, just come and join in.
Women’s Group – *new date* 6th of February: our first meeting of the new year will be a cooking evening with Hilary Harris at the Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice, Dumbreck. We will meet in the foyer of the hospice at 6.30pm and move into the café area. Please confirm with Jan Bostock or Clare Williams if you are able to attend.
Church Directory: we have printed our 2nd draft of the church directory we have placed 2 copies on the table at the back of the sanctuary, we also have place copies on tables in the large hall, if you have asked to be included in the directory please can you check that your details have been correctly entered, if any corrections need to be made please contact the church office.
Burn’s Supper volunteers needed - The Outreach, Community and Mission Committee are leading on a Burns Supper for the adults and families resident in the Urban Go Hotel on the afternoon of 31st January.We are looking for volunteers to help on the day with cooking, serving and leading some crafts. If you are interested in helping, please contact Ruth Sills [email protected]
Gift Service - Sunday 15th December – thank you to everyone who donated items to the Preshal Trust and Lodging House Mission. These kind gifts have been distributed to the respective charities who have passed on their sincere thanks to our Sherbrooke Mosspark congregation.
Stamps Over Christmas: many receive more stamped mail. If these can be saved and placed in the box at the door, I shall take them to the Glasgow Presbytery Office.They should be cut out with about half an inch surround.Last year the amount donated from all sources raised approximately £16,000 for the chosen charity. Thanks, Helen W Thomson